
Hands-on Science: Atoms and Molecules with Mr. Manda

Hands-on Science session on Saturday 25 April 2020 at 2 p.m – 2.40 p.m discussed atoms and molecules with Mr. Manda Edy Mulyono as one of chemistry teachers at Fatih Bilingual School. This seminar is intended for all middle school students who want to know about the concepts of atoms and molecules that are very close to our lives.

During the seminar, Mr. Manda explained the difference between atoms and molecules. He said that this was very crucial in determining the concept of learning chemistry for the future.

“The lessons about atoms and molecules with everyday life approaches and examples are preferred at this time because most of the students can understand Chemistry well as long as they can understand the basic concept or the fundamental concept. Students often have difficulty when they cannot understand the fundamental concept because sometimes, they learn things that cannot be seen by naked eyes such as atoms and molecules” He said.

In this seminar, the students were invited to learn chemistry in a different way such as it was not rigid and students could ask the speaker freely. The objective of this session was to make students understand the definition of atoms and molecules by providing everyday life examples of atoms and molecules.

“I hope that there will be a seminar like this for chemistry so that students can overcome their difficulties in learning, and may in the future there will be more students to take part in this seminar and get the benefit”, He added.



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