
Get to Know Your Future School: Olympiad Training at Fatih Bilingual School

Get to know your school seminar, in this opportunity discuss the olympiad training at FBS with Physics teacher, Mr. Gulbuddin Hikmatyar Al Akbar B.Sc. Mr. Tyar is also an olympiad team supervisor and has guided many students to achieve their dreams of becoming olympiad champions. The seminar was conducted using the Zoom application and live streaming on the Fatih Bilingual School YouTube account on Saturday, May 9, 2020 from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m.

In the seminar, the speaker explained that the advantage of FBS schools is that they are very focused on providing coaching to the olympiad team, starting from the preparation, selection, and preparation of materials, syllabus, and questions arranged very well. He also stated that entering the FBS olympiad team was a good opportunity to be a stepping stone for children in the future, especially for those who want to be scientists.

During this pandemic, the olympiad team activities are still being carried out online through several applications such as Zoom platform. Not only fostering FBS students, but FBS also conducted Olympiad training for Acehnese students from other schools through its FOCUS (Fatih Olympiad Camp Ultimate Session) program.

“I hope that there will be many students join the FBS olympiad team because this is an excellent opportunity for them, and we always try to give our best contribution to advance education in Aceh especially in the olympiad through FOCUS program, I also hope that in the future the enthusiasm of students to learn the olympiad will continue to increase”, He said.



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