
Fun Exam Camp: Preparing The Final Exam Without Stress

The exam is one of the most important things in the learning process to see the students’ understanding of the materials. In order to support the students to prepare their examination, Fatih Bilingual School held UN (Ujian Nasional) camp or National Examination on 7th to 10th December at Fatih Bilingual School, Lamlagang, Banda Aceh. This activity was followed by 7th and 12th-grade students of Fatih Bilingual School.

The objective of this activity is to prepare the students for their national examination both mentally and academically especially for 12th-grade students, they also joined SBMPTN (Seleksi Bersama Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negri) Camp or College entrance exam camp, as their preparation before entering college in September 2020.

In this camp, the campers were asked to study and joined the Try Out at school from morning until noon. After joining UN preparation activity, the students joined several bonding activities such as games.

This annual camp was also the place to strengthen the friendship between students and homeroom teachers because this is the last year for children before leaving school and continue their studies to a higher level.

Mr. Manda as the homeroom teacher said the students were very happy and because they had the opportunity to develop the bonding between students and their environment through this activity.

“In the future, we will make this camp with more productive and efficient activities and improve the quality of teachers and these activities” He added.

The parents also fully supported this event and many of them also gave positive suggestions for the next camp.



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