
FBS Students Joined Several Competitions at ACER

Another good news comes again this week, as some representative students from Fatih Bilingual School managed to rack some achievements in several competitions following the announcement from the closing ceremony of ACER Al Fityan 2020, Thursday afternoon on 16 January 2020 at Al Fityan School Aceh.

The winners and the categories are as follows; Khaif Al Fansyuri got the 2nd place at mathematics olympiad SMP, Khalil Gibran got the 2nd place in Social Science olympiad SMP, Hafizh Al Kautsar got the 3rd place in mathematics olympiad SMP and the “Cerdas Cermat” SMP team, Hanif Azzikri, M Alief R, Ikhsan Iskandar, snatched the 3rd place.

ACER itself was organized by Alfityan School Association (ASSA) and it consisted of various branches and levels of competitions starting from kindergarten to university level of competitions.

Mr. Tyar as the accompanying teacher said that this was the first time for these students to compete in ACER, generally speaking, not so different from other similar competitions. So definitely, the boys were excited though they already got used to it.

“There is no specific preparation to take part in this competition because they are already working on it every week since day one, it is part of their school club’s regular activity, so taking part in this sort of competition also helps them to get more experience and brings more confidence out of them”, He added.



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