
Fatih Bilingual School Family Gathering: Developing Incredible Bonding

Fatih Bilingual School held a family gathering on 24 November 2019 at Kapuk beach, Aceh Besar, from 9 a.m. to 2.30 p.m. This annual program aimed to strengthen the friendship between teachers, employees, and staff.

This activity also sought to relieve boredom from the daily routine at school, get to know each other and strengthen the relationship between employees and their families regardless of their status or position at school. This activity is expected to build chemistry among the employees to give the best contribution to the development of Fatih Bilingual School.

This agenda was attended by all school employees, from directors, admins, teachers, staff, technicians, security guards, cleaning service and also their families. This gathering provided an opportunity for all participants to play several games such as team building games.

All participants were also obliged to buy a small gift for an exchange gift session. The last agenda was having lunch together as the closing ceremony.

“I feel grateful for this activity because there are more than 75% of participants attended from all school employees, and as a participant I also feel happy because I have the opportunity to interact with employees without discussion about work and also be able to interact with all people without looking at the status or position in school,” said Mr. Fiki as the Human Resources Manager.

The atmosphere during the event was pleasant, everyone participated in all the series of activities, and some were also willing to help each other during the event.

“I hope after this event, the friendship among the employees is getting stronger, because there are some friends who may have just joined this year including myself, and this family atmosphere during the event could also be applied at work,” He added.



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