

Student extracurricular activities such as clubs are the core part of FBS student life. Through these clubs students have the opportunity to engage in multiple interests and enrich the social, cultural, educational experiences.




Fatih Bilingual School aims to be a prominent school that focused on inspiring learningeffective collaboration and a high standard of conduct and moral purposes.


We are committed to high-quality teaching, engaging and meaningful learning, creative activity, collaborative engagement and practical application of the school core values.

Archery Club

Schedule: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday


Archery is a sport that exercises patience, accuracy, and discipline, it aims that the students get a positive effect, so they have confidence in living their daily lives.

Athletics Club

Schedule: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday


Athletics is a very complex sport, so it can be concluded that the students who have skills in the athletics branch can also master the other sports.

Pembina (Mr. Liza Nurul Fikriansyah)

Basketball Club (SMP)

Schedule: Junior High (Monday, Wednesday, Thursday)


Basketball is an easy sport but difficult at the same time. Easy to learn, difficult to have a commitment on it. If you want to play basketball, come with us in the court, but if you just want to show off your fancy shoes, please sit down on the audience bench.

Basketball Club (SMA)

Schedule: Senior High (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday)


Basketball is an easy sport but difficult at the same time. Easy to learn, difficult to have a commitment on it. If you want to play basketball, come with us in the court, but if you just want to show off your fancy shoes, please sit down on the audience bench.

Pembina (Mr. Muhammad Arief Kurniawan) dan Pelatih (Mr. Fajrul Ar-Rezky)

Futsal Club (SMP)

Schedule: Junior High (Tuesday, Thursday)


Futsal is a type of football played between two teams of five players on a hard surface and  each team can use an unlimited number of substitutes. With the existence of a futsal club, it is hoped that Fatih Bilingual School students to maximize their potential in order to gain the achievements.

Futsal Club (SMA)

Schedule: Senior High (Monday, Wednesday, Thursday)


Futsal is a type of football played between two teams of five players on a hard surface and  each team can use an unlimited number of substitutes. With the existence of a futsal club, it is hoped that Fatih Bilingual School students to maximize their potential in order to gain the achievements.

Martial Arts Club

Schedule: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday


Pencak silat is a martial arts that also contains traditional artistic values of Indonesia. Pencak silat has been introduced for such a long time in Indonesia, it has 4 main aspects and 3 main objectives in its application. These aspects are  mental and spiritual aspects, cultural arts aspects,  martial aspects,  sports aspects. As for 3 main objectives include goals to achieve health, recreational goals and achievement goals.

Pembina (Mr. Armen Pane) dan Pelatih (Mr. Maszuwar)

Swimming Club

Schedule: Saturday


Swimming is a useful exercise to train muscles with a strong level of discipline, so Fatih Bilingual School students have a good level of physical fitness.

 Pembina (Liza Nurul Fikriansyah)

Film and Photography Club

Schedule: Monday, Wednesday


Film and photography is a new club formed at Fatih Bilingual School in the first semester 2019-2020. In this club, the students are expected to be able to develop their creativity and become one of the references in achieving the future. Especially in the digital world, the ability to take photos, videos, editing is very necessary, in addition, to channel the student’s talent, there are also business opportunities provided. We believe, talent is created from fondness, so it is the duty of the club to make it becomes love.

English Debate Club

Schedule: Monday, Tuesday


English debate club is formed by Fatih Bilingual School for the first semester of the 2019-2020 academic year. In the first place, the existence of this club is the embodiment of the word “bilingual” from this school’s name in which the students are hoped to be able to develop their English skills to an advanced level. Besides, this skill will be advantageous in assisting the students during their educational process in Fatih Bilingual School as well as their future. For these reasons, the members of this club will be provided with skills such as presentation skills, language acquisition, critical thinking and many more. Given these points, not only are these skills beneficial but also helpful in providing self-development for the students.

Robotic Club

Schedule: Tuesday, Wednesday


A Robotics club is a group of students who are interested in learning and working with robots. They will be using Lego Mindstorm kits, Robolab software and various Lego Robotics materials. The objective of this program is to introduce the basic programming as well as problem solving strategies for the students. During this program, the students be will involved in the developing, building and programming a LEGO Mindstorm robot. The students will do a team-work to design, build, program and document their progress. The topics include motor control, gear ratios, torque, friction, sensors, timing, looping programming, logic gates, decision-making, timing sequences, propulsion systems and binary number systems. The students in this club are prepared to join various competition in local and international level.

WebMaster Club

Schedule: Tuesday, Thursday


By studying the webserver, hardware, and software, students are able to operate and design website pages accurately and can check the network through the website.

Dengan mempelajari web server, perangkat keras, perangkat lunak, maka siswa mampu mengoperasikan dan merancang halaman website secara akurat, serta bisa memeriksa jaringan melalui situs web.

 Pembina (Mr. Irfan Islami)

Research and Project Club

Schedule: Tuesday, Thursday


The industry continues to grow. Without realizing it we are starting to enter the industrial revolution 4.0. This progress is accompanied by various problems, such as environmental and social problems. In this case, the younger generation is required to have a variety of skills to be able to adapt to these changes. One of them is problem-solving skills. Fresh Jet (Fatih Research and Project Team) fosters curiosity, critical thinking, and student skills in solving problems through research and projects that can be the forerunners of new discoveries in the world of science and social life. We hope that future generations no longer tend to be consumptive, but also productive.

Schedule: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday


The science olympiad student association is fostered intensively and deeply to later represent Fatih at the OSN event as well as other science competitions. In addition to that, Fantastico also held a series of external community service programs in order to help to encourage the pursuit of science to Acehnese students in particular.


Basketball Club

Schedule: Thursday


Basketball clubs is a place for students to channel their talents and hobbies in basketball. Accompanied by a proficient coach, the students will be directed to learn how to play basketball with techniques and teamwork. The club also aims to prepare the students with better  techniques in playing basketball.

Klub basket merupakan suatu wadah bagi siswa untuk menyalurkan bakat dan hobi mereka dalam basket. Didampingi oleh pelatih yang mahir dibidangnya, siswa akan diarahkan untuk mempelajari bagaimana teknik-teknik bermain basket serta kerja sama tim. Klub ini juga bertujuan untuk mempersiapkan kematangan teknik-teknik dalam bermain basket

 Pembina (Aula Misnalia)  Pelatih (Ade Zoelham Ardiyanto)

Futsal Club

Schedule: Thursday


Futsal is one of the best games to enhance self-esteem, teamwork, and fitness in an enjoyable and safe environment. The students are able to develop early motor skills combined with important social skills in a fun and safe environment.

Futsal adalah salah satu permainan terbaik untuk meningkatkan harga diri, kerjasama tim, dan membangun kebugaran didalam lingkungan yang menyenangkan dan aman.  Para siswa dapat mengembangkan keterampilan motorik awal yang dikombinasikan dengan keterampilan sosial yang penting dalam lingkungan yang menyenangkan dan aman.

 Pembina (Cyndi Prasetya)  Pelatih (Khairil Akhyar)

Pencak Silat

Schedule: Friday


Pencak Silat is an individual martial arts sport that is grown and developed from generation to generation. Pencak Silat which is taught in this club is pencak silat as an art, as a martial art, as a sport, and as physical education.

Pencak Silat merupakan jenis olahraga seni beladiri perorangan yang tumbuh dan berkembang secara turun-temurun. Pencak silat yang diajarkan di klub ini yaitu pencak silat sebagai seni, beladiri, olahraga, dan sebagai pendidikan jasmani.

 Pembina (Nura Hanim)  Pelatih (Riski Maulana)

Badminton Club

Schedule: Friday


SD Fatih Bilingual School has quite a number of extracurriculars, one of which is badminton extracurricular. Enthusiasts who take part in this badminton extracurricular are quite a lot, with a very reliable trainer and accompanied by a teacher as a club coordinator. With the existence of this badminton extracurricular, it is expected that there are some students at Fatih Bilingual School Elementary who can compete in badminton tournaments organized by parties outside the school and be able to carve achievements in badminton matches at the student level. Keep the spirit!

SD Fatih Bilingual School mempunyai ekskul yang cukup banyak salah satu diantaranya adalah ekstrakurikuler bulu tangkis atau badminton. Peminat yang mengikut ekstrakurikuler bulu tangkis ini lumayan banyak, dengan pelatih yang sangat handal dan didampingi seorang guru pembina sebagai koordinator klub. Dengan  adanya ekstrakurikuler bulu tangkis ini diharapkan siswa siswi SD Fatih Bilingual School ada yang bisa maju bersaing pada turnamen bulu tangkis yang diselenggarakan oleh pihak luar sekolah dan mampu menorehkan prestasi di pertandingan bulu tangkis di tingkat pelajar. Tetap semangat!

 Pembina (Fira Maulida)  Pelatih (Ade Zoelham Ardiyanto)

Archery Club

Club Schedule: Friday


Archery is a sport that exercises patience, accuracy, and discipline, it aims that the students get a positive effect, so they have confidence in living their daily lives.

Panahan merupakan olahraga yang melatih kesabaran, ketepatan, dan kedisiplinan yang sangat kuat untuk memberikan efek positif kepada siswa-siswa Fatih Bilingual School sehingga memiliki kepercayaan diri dalam menjalani kehidupan sehari-hari.

 Pembina (Asih Setiatin, Nina Ramadhani)

English Club

Schedule: Thursday


An English club is a place for students to learn English in a very fun way. students take part in interesting activities that will empower not only their English ability but also the club unity. This club provides a friendly atmosphere for students so they can express themselves.

Klub English adalah tempat bagi siswa untuk belajar bahasa inggris dengan cara yang menyenangkan. Siswa akan ikut serta dalam kegiatan-kegiatan menarik yang akan menguatkan tidak hanya kemampuan berbahasa inggris mereka tapi juga kebersamaan di dalam klub. Klub ini menyajikan suasana yang ramah untuk siswa agar mereka dapat mengekspresikan diri mereka.

 Pembina (Tiara Saftika, Nina Ramadhani, Fira Maulida, Claudia Masyitah)

Tilawatil Qur’an Club

Schedule: Thursday


To become a superior generation based on faith and piety to Allah Subhanallahuta’ala, one thing that can be done is to read the Qur’an correctly. The Tilawatil Qur’an Club teaches students how to read the Qur’an properly according to the rules of the recitation. This club is also established to facilitate the talents and interests of the students in understanding the Qur’an.

Untuk menjadi generasi unggul berbasis iman dan taqwa kepada Allah Subhanallahuta’ala, salah satu yang dapat dilakukan adalah membaca Al-Quran dengan benar. Klub Tilawatil Qur’an mengajarkan siswa cara membaca Al-Quran dengan baik dan benar sesuai kaidah-kaidah tajwid yang berlaku. Klub ini juga didirikan untuk memfasilitasi bakat dan minat siswa/i dalam hal ke-Alquran-an.

 Pembina (Elviana dan Nanda Gristina)

Nature Club Kids



Nature club introduces the wonders of nature to the students. There are many things the students can explore in this club. They will learn to recycle, do experiments, and to build a connection with nature. It will increase the student’s understanding and appreciation of nature.

Klub Kids Nature mengenalkan kepada siswa keajaiban alam. Ada banyak hal yang dapat siswa jelajahi di klub ini. Belajar daur ulang, membuat percobaan, dan membangun hubungan dengan alam. Ini akan meningkatkan pemahaman dan apresiasi siswa terhadap alam.

 Pembina (Tiara Saftika, Claudia Masyitah, Nanda Gristina)

Little Chef Club

Schedule: Friday


Cooking is a hobby that is pretty much liked by students. The students hobbies can be channeled through a little chef clubs. This club provides students a variety of traditional and international food recipes, it also trains the students with some simple tricks that can be used to make it easier when cooking.

Memasak merupakan hobi yang lumayan banyak disukai oleh siswa. Hobi para siswa tersebut dapat disalurkan melalui klub koki cilik. Klub ini mengajarkan para siswa berbagai resep makanan baik makanan tradisional maupun internasional serta trik – trik sederhana yang dapat digunakan untuk memudahkan ketika memasak

 Pembina (Addini Lutfia Hajar, Fitriyanti, Cyndi Prasetya, Aula Misnalia, Elviana)

Dancing Club



The dancing club is one of the favorite clubs in Fatih Bilingual School. This club teaches students to be creative in the dance field. students will learn many things such as bodywork, traditional dance, and so much more. This club will increase student’s memory and their flexibility, and also to train their patience. Let’s join and work together with the dance club in Fatih Elementary School!

Club Dancing atau Klub tari merupakan salah satu klub yang ada di SD Fatih Bilinggual School. Klub ini mengajarkan siswa untuk berkreatifitas dalam bidang seni terutama di bidang seni tari. Adapun dalam klub ini siswa belajar banyak hal seperti Olah tubuh, gerakan dalam tari daerah, dan masih banyak lagi yang dapat dipelajari siswa dalam klub ini.  Klub ini juga memiliki manfaat yang banyak untuk siswa yaitu, meningkatkan daya ingat, lebih fleksibilitas, dan lain-lain. Klub ini juga mengajarkan anak-anak dalam kesabaran. Mari bergabung dan berkarya dengan klub tari SD Fatih Bilinggual School!

Pembina (Intan Oph Darwin)  Pelatih (Aulia Rachmad)

Choir and Singing Club

Schedule: Friday


Choir club is a newly established club in Fatih Elementary School. In this club, students are trained to collaborate together to sing in a full song in harmony. students will learn things such as vocal training, and club solidarity.

Club Paduan Suara merupakan salah satu klub yang ada di SD Fatih Bilinggual School. Klub ini baru didirikan pada tahun ini. Adapun dalam klub ini siswa dilatih untuk bekolaborasi bersama dalam memadukan berbagai jenis suara untuk menyanyikan lagu yang utuh dan dapat mengungkapkan jiwa lagu kepada penonton. Adapun dalam klub ini siswa belajar banyak hal seperti olah vocal, latihan menyanyi dan lain-lain.

Pembina (Intan Oph Darwin)  Pelatih (Aulia Rachmad)

Art and Craft Club

Schedule: Thursday


Art and craft is a fun place for students to learn about making household objects into works of art, the student will have the opportunity to use a variety of material to create 2d and 3d pieces of artwork from drawing, painting, sewing, to collage and sketching. The activities are easy, thought-provoking and educational. Students are encouraged to share their artwork with their peers, friends, and family.

Klub art and craft adalah klub yang sangat menyenangkan bagi siswa untuk belajar membuat benda-benda rumah tangga menjadi karya seni. Siswa berkesempatan menggunakan berbagai bahan untuk membuat karya seni 2d dan 3d mulai dari menggambar, melukis, menjahit, hingga kolase dan membuat sketsa. Kegiatannya mudah, menggugah pikiran dan mendidik. Siswa didorong untuk berbagi karya seni mereka dengan teman sebaya, teman sekolah, dan keluarga.

Pembina (Addini Lutfia Hajar, Fitriyanti, Nura Hanim, Zannatun Saniah)


Selamat Datang!

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