
Exploring The Wonders of Science Through STEMS Expo 2019

Fatih Bilingual School held STEMS EXPO on Friday-Saturday, 25-26 October 2019 which was attended by 2,500 visitors. This exhibition is a simple experimental project made by Fatih Bilingual School students in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Social Studies (STEMS). STEMS Expo invited the students applying the theories to the real world of science.

The preparation of the STEMS project was carried out for a long time and was integrated into the learning process in the classroom. Students are given a certain period to complete their STEMS projects in groups. Before they present the project to the public, they must submit the proposal and present it to the teacher, upload the trial video to their YouTube account and prepare the STEMS EXPO booth for the two-day event. Each booth was also assessed for several categories such as The best STEMS videos (based on the view, like, comment), The most favorite booth (based on visitor choices), the best booth design, and outstanding STEMS project and the judges for this exhibition were as follows:

  • Mr. H. Darni M Daud, MA. (Former Rector of Syiah Kuala University)
  • Mr. dr. Syahrul, SpS (K). (Former Director of RSUZA – Zainal Abidin Hospital)
  • Mrs. Dr. Siti Rusdiana, M.Eng (MIPA Lecturer at Syiah Kuala University)
  • Ms. Dra. Najli (Supervisor of Education and Culture Department of Primary Education Banda Aceh)
  • Mr. Prof. Drs. H. Yusny Saby, MA., Ph.D. (Former rector of UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh)

Through this event, students are invited to build 21st-century skills or commonly called 4C (collaboration, communication, critical thinking, creativity). More than 100 science projects were shown in this activity. In addition, this event was supported by various parties who also opened their booths at the event such as BPOM (Drug and Food Control Agency) Banda Aceh, Politeknik Aceh, BARISTA (Research Center and Industrial Standardization) and Hanbooks for Books and enlivened with various food and beverage bazaars.

Visitors are also challenged to participate in various competitions both online such as photography, vlog, rhyme, poetry, meme and comic strip which is divided into categories of students (elementary/middle/ high school) and for public and offline competitions such as coloring and drawing contest for kindergarten and elementary school;1-3 grade and 4-6 grade. Fatih Bilingual School also provided a jumping balloon for kids, so the kids can enjoy the event.

Here is the list of STEMS Expo 2019 winners:

The Best STEMS Video Category

Elementary Middle School High School
Booth No. 90
Design your own slime
Booth No. 28
M. Rahmat Mardatilah
Teuku Sareh Burhan
Booth No. 59
Green skin care
M. Rizqy Akbar
Dimas Saukas Pribadi

Favorite Booth Category

Elementary Middle School High School
Booth No.89
(like 260)                        
Booth No.33
(like 347)
M. Joesoef Pradana
Alfa Rhezy
Booth No. 37
(like 194)
Muhammad Surya
Rajul Muna Fajri  

Best Booth Design Category

Elementary Middle School High School
Booth No. 95 Booth No. 24
Malek Assiddiq
T. Daffa Muhammad Z
Booth No. 60
AlQausar Bin Abdullah
M Aji Fhahriyan

Outstanding STEMS Project Category

Elementary Middle School High School
-Gold Medal

Booth No. 89

-Silver Medal

Booth No. 95

Booth No. 85

-Bronze Medal

Booth No. 83

Booth No. 88

Booth No. 87
-Gold Medal
Booth No. 21
Fathin Zharif A
Mahatir Achmad A

-Silver Medal
Booth No. 29
Adam Sha H
Rifa Akbar I

Booth No. 30
Ihsan Hidayatullah
M. Nafis PD

-Bronze Medal
Booth No. 33
M Josoef P
Alfa Rhezy

Booth No. 28
M. Rahmat M
T. Sareh Burhan

Booth No. 18
Nabiel Daffin R
M. Emir Ghofran
-Gold Medal
Booth No. 82
Ilham Darni
Haris Maulana

-Silver Medal
Booth No. 70
M. Hanif
Arya Audri I
Ari Matama

Booth No.60
Al Qausan bin
M. Aji Fhahriyan

-Bronze Medal
Booth No.59
M. Rizqy Akbar
Dimas Saukas P

Booth No.58
M Dzaky Yamani
Satria Niagara

Booth No.55
M Alif Farras
Ocmitory A T



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