
Fatih Bilingual School Students Win Medals at The 4th I+ACEH 2019 (International Art Creativity & Engineering Exhibition)

The 4th I+ACEH (International Art Creativity and Engineering) held recently at Ubudiyah Indonesia University in Banda Aceh. This event aims to increase student’s interest in the field of science and technology development.

During the two-day event organized by Ubudiyah Indonesia University on 1st – 2nd October 2019. Fatih Bilingual School Students secured two gold medals, two silver medals, and a semi grand award.

The first gold and semi award was won by Aqil Naufal Syahrul and M.Syafiq Akbar for their innovation titled “Moss as Substitute of Main Chemical in Deodorant” and the second gold was won by Febri Rachmatul Ikram and M.Khalil through the innovation titled “Cocoboard: The New Generation of Cardboard with Coconut Husk”. Meanwhile, Mirzal Aldy and Richard Ayman Safwan got the silver medal for their innovation “Coffee Ground as Adsorbant of Laundry Waste” and the second silver medal was won by M.Brilliant Daffa and M.Haikal through the innovation titled “Cosocell: The Utilization of Jamblang as Dye in DSCC”.

Mr. Manda Edy Mulyono as the research supervisor said that “The preparation is quite long, started from finding the ideas that can answer the problems that exist in society, looking for references that are appropriate to support the research, materials, research and research results writing”.

“Despite getting 4 medals, they often experienced some difficulties such as preparing the research in a short time and the material, but the student’s spirit to join this competition is amazing, they work very hard to obtain this result,” he added.

The students also plan to compete at the AIGC (Advanced Innovation Global Competition) in Singapore and SIIF (Seoul International Invention Fair) in Korea in November 2019.  



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