
Mengapa milih sekolah Fatih?

Character Education

We believe that education is a solution to any problem when academic achievement is directly proportional to character improvement. FBS really emphasis on the importance of character education by teaching the values in student-centered perspectives.

International Curriculum

FBS works closely with Cambridge Assessment International Education to provide Cambridge pathways for students. Students have clear short term and long term objectives which make them focus throughout their learning.

English Program based on CEFR

At FBS, English is the main form of communication. Almost all lessons are delivered in English. Students are taught to improve their English based on CEFR (Cambridge English Framework of Reference) and using international standardized exams from Cambridge Assessment English.

Literacy Program

Reading is a tool to open doors of knowledge. Reading habit must be introduced from an early age. Through selective and guided reading, students can benefit from this skill for the rest of their life.

TITL (Technology Integration in Teaching and Learning) Program

Integrating technology advancement in teaching and learning creates positive atmosphere which is more effective, efficient, yet full of fun. At Fatih, we embrace technology as tools for learning.

PTHV (Parent-Teacher Home Visit) Program

Triangle relationship among students, school and parents is very crucial for students academic, emotional and social advancement. Positive relations will have a great impact on student success. One of the ways to proactively build strong relationship is by arranging PTHV, a program in which parents’ houses or offices are visited minimum twice in a year.

Boarding School Concept

FBS offers unique boarding school concept in which students from different backgrounds are given the opportunity to stay, share and learn together.

TAQ (Tahsin-Tahfidz Al-Quran) Program

Learning Quran as a holy book of Islam by reciting, memorizing, understanding and implementing in daily life is an obligation for every Moslem. Through TAQ students are expected to know by heart the verses of Quran and implement the message in every aspect of their life.

Science Olympiad Coaching

FBS has a strong Olympiad culture. Olympiad is a part of differentiation learning in which students who are able to learn further are challenged to join this program. FBS Olympiad team has proven its quality in a lot of competitions.

Student Research and Project Preparation Program

4 C’s (critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, communication) learning skills are the most appropriate learning strategies for the 21st century. At FBS, Research and Project Preparation Program is a tool to teach those strategies inside and outside the classroom.

College and Career Counseling Program

Students are preparing themselves for an unpredictable future, such as: jobs that don’t yet exist, technologies that haven’t been invented and problems they don’t even know problems yet (Richard Riley, 2014). College and Career Counselling Program exists to help FBS students to prepare themselves for their future by providing appropriate information and guideline to unlock their potentials.

Various Extracurricular Activities / Student Clubs

Student clubs are the core part of FBS student life. Through these clubs students have the opportunity to engage in multiple interests and enrich the social, cultural, educational experiences.

Adequate Facilities

FBS may not be the best equipped school with modern facilities. But, we are proud that as a non-profit institution, we strive to provide and upgrade school facilities regularly to serve student needs.


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